โครงการการประชุมวิชาการระดับนานาชาติทางศิลปศาสตร์ประยุกต์ ครั้งที่ 6
The 6th International Conference on Applied Liberal Arts: ICAA 2023
(Hybrid conference)

The School of Liberal Arts at King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang in cooperation with Bangkok University cordially invite scholars, academics, and students to submit the research articles to be presented in the 6th International Conference on Applied Arts (ICAA 2023) under the theme:
“The NEXT Challenges and Opportunities of Digitalization in Liberal Arts and Social Sciences”
Keynote speaker: Associate Professor Jonathan Newton, Victoria University of Wellington
Keynote address: The challenge of humanizing teaching in digitally-mediated learning environments
Research is the core of knowledge development, and it is one of higher educational institutes’ missions needed to be achieved together with the teaching and learning. It is also the indicator of the academic staff’s competency as well as the educational development. Research is, therefore, both the goal and the process which all higher educational institutes consider as the driving force of the organization, the society, and the country for sustainable development. In order to become ‘The World Master of Innovation’, following King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang’s strategic issues – to conduct life-long research and innovations, conducting research is ultimately necessary.
The School of Liberal Arts at King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology plays an important role in developing personnel in the fields of Languages, Humanities, and Social Sciences, conducting high-quality research as well as providing effective instruction and academic services. The 6th International Conference on Applied Liberal Arts: ICAA 2023 under the theme “The NEXT Challenges and Opportunities of Digitalization in Liberal Arts and Social Sciences” is, therefore, organized with the aim to provide an opportunity for instructors, researchers, and students to exhibit their academic potential and exchange a set of knowledge, which will lead to the sustainable development of our country.
Date of the conference: Friday, June 16th, 2023
Venue: Krom Laung Naratiwas Rachanakarin Building (KMITL President Building), King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Bangkok, Thailand / online
Topics of interest:
- Social Sciences
- Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
- Language and Culture
- Language and Technology
- Teaching
- Literature
- Translation and Interpretation
- Innovation in Tourism and Hospitality
- Humanities
- Law
- Psychology
- Sport and Recreation
- Political Sciences
- Economics
- Library Sciences
- Information Sciences
- Information Studies
- Administration and Management
- Other fields related to Applied Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Registration fee:
Presenter: General presenter 3,500 baht
KMITL student & staff member/ presenter from institute under MOU with KMITL or co-host institute 2,500 baht
General participant 1,500 baht
KMITL student & staff member/ participant from institute under MOU with KMITL or co-host institute 800 baht
Important dates (Update):
- Deadline for abstract submission 7 April 2023
- Notification of abstract acceptance 10 April 2023
- Deadline for full paper submission for peer review 28 April 2023
- Notification of Acceptance 12 May 2023
- Deadline for revised paper submission 21 May 2023
- Deadline for early-bird registration for accepted papers 2 June 2023
- ICAA and NCAA 2023 Conference Date 16 June 2023
Important documents:
For more information, please contact:
Khun Narintra Ruenchit
School of Liberal Arts, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang
☎ Telephone: +66 2329-8000 ext. 3761 Mobile phone: 087-680-4468
✉ email: icaa@kmitl.ac.th
📄 ICAA Proceedings
📄 ICAA 2023 Proceedings
➤ Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/6011747283?pwd=SjFLMGY0M2wzLzladHU4bENRQThzZz09
Meeting ID: 601 174 7283
Passcode: 5458778